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Alaska Information for Travelers and Adventurers website
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Alaska Information for Travelers and Adventurers

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Feel free to look around as this page grows. Alaska is huge and this project may take a while. Still being updated as of June 2021!

The State of Alaska is huge! Alaska is approximately 663,300 square miles. To put this into some perspective, the entire United States is 3.797 million square miles. Alaska is 17.5% of the entire United States. For a bit more comparison, The Great State of Texas is just 163,696 square miles. You know what that means? If you divide Alaska in half (663,300 âž— 2 = 331,650 square miles), Texas would still be only the third largest state!!

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Overlaid on the Lower 48, Alaska would stretch from Jacksonville, Florida almost up to Canada and over to California and the Pacific Ocean.

So, the easiest way to look at and organize Alaska, is by region. We divide Alaska into 6 regions. (You can also find others who divide Alaska into only 5 regions. However, living here for over 15 years, we use 6 regions.) The regions we use on this site (including the major cities are listed below.)

Alaska Regions handmade bracelet traveler memories

Click on the Region Name below to go directly to that region

Arctic Region (the Arctic Circle and everything north, included Utgiagvik (formerly Barrow) and Prudhoe Bay)

Western Region (Bethel, Nome)

Interior Region (Fairbanks, Denali, Circle)

Southwest Region (Dillingham, Aleutian Islands, Kodiak)

Southcentral Region (Anchorage, Palmer, Wasilla, Kenai)

Southeast Region (Juneau, Ketchikan)




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